Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sucks really....everything is just not going my way! WHY?! Argh!!!!

If you're dumb, please like I have said many, many times, just do not show it!

Procedures, Procedures, Procedures. Who will bother?

What is the purpose of drafting procedures that no one reads or bother with? 

Seriously who reads them? Yeah, maybe one or two will read it, then bye-bye! The whole purpose is actually not for us to follow but for those who wants to know what we do, and how we do it.

If you want to know, just ask, if you do not want everyone or anyone to know, then email me, ask and I'll tell you. Now, see what you made? You've digged your own grave and dragged me into it as well. If you have nothing better to do, go shine someone's shoes man....you horrible, horrible person. If I need to make another procedure just for you and if you are still going to ask me to make another one, I'm going tell on you!!!